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paleo eating delicious recipes

Can’t cook? Scared to cook? Don’t worry. No previous cooking experience required with simple paleo recipes

No MSG, No Grains, No Dairy, stuck for ideas? Don’t be! Check out these simple paleo recipes

About to embark on a crash diet? Don’t bother, eat like your ancestors did and get lean and healthy, naturally

More than a 101 ways to achieve sustainable weight loss, all of them by eating delicious recipes, time you went paleo


golf books

Lately, I have received many requests for 2 things.

1. Advice on how to hit backspin (always a common request)
2. Advice on the short game in general.

So I have decided to focus my next two newsletters on these
subjects. Today the focus will be on backspin, and in the next few
weeks I’ll get one out on putting and chipping, and then following
that will be course management.

Honestly, the first thing that you need to realize about creating
backspin is that it’s a very tough shot to accomplish, let alone

The second thing that you should realize is that there are very few
situations where this shot is actually needed.

In my opinion, the best shot to master is an approach shot that
bounces once, and then stops on a dime. This shot is not easy to
accomplish either, but is more realistic and much more effective in
the vast majority of cases.

So I’ll get in to the basics of this shot now, but please realize
that an entire book could be written on this subject, and it would
still be very hard to incorporate into a recreational game.

Here are the basic conditions that must be met before the shot even
occurs. If these factors are not in place, don’t try to create

Conditions must be completely dry – (the club face, and the ball
You must be on the fairway – (grass can’t get in between the club
and the ball)
Green’s have to be very nicely kept – (very short)
Now, let me clarify. Those are the conditions that must be met
before the shot even occurs. So hopefully, you are beginning to see
just how difficult this shot is and why it doesn’t come highly
recommended from someone who focuses on making golf simple.

I was thinking of ways to describe the action necessary to create
backspin, and I came to the conclusion that the best analogy is one
of placing spin on the cue ball in billiards.

Side Note: They say that good pool players are also good putters.
So if you want to sharpen your putting skills, I would advise
learning billiards as well. It will help you to develop steady
hands, “learn to see the line”, and it will also teach you a lot
about spin.

In Pool, to create backspin you have to hit downward on the cue
ball with a significant amount of force. Notice that players chalk
up before hitting a shot requiring a lot of spin (dry). They also
go at the ball with a very steep angle. And they hit the lower
portion of the ball.

All of this is necessary in golf as well. The ultimate goal is to
“pinch” the ball between your club and the fairway. You must take a
downward blow at the ball, you must add a fair amount of velocity
to your swing speed, and you must make clean contact with the lower
portion of the ball. It is all of these factors combined that make
this shot so tough to complete with any accuracy.

It’s also essential to have a new ball (preferably a high
spin/soft-cover ball), and a newer (clean) club that has some of
the grip left on the face. As the ball compresses into the grooves
on the face of the club, backspin is created.

Getting into the impact position is a whole different ball game.
You can find great information in “The Simple Golf Swing”, although
creating backspin is not covered.

On a final note; it’s important to realize that if you make course
management the foundation of your game, you will rarely be in a
situation where you need to use backspin. Course management is one
of the true keys to golf. I’m going to publish a newsletter on it
in the next few weeks as well, so be on the lookout.

To order please tap below


Get Back Together: How to Get Back Together With an Ex

To help you and your ex get back together, you need to understand the right way to formulate a game plan for getting the relationship to rekindle properly and proactively. Should you go to her and beg her to return to you? This is probably not the best way for you to facilitate getting back together with your ex. In order to help you and your ex get back together, you need to figure out what actions will actually drive the right results.

All relationships have the occasional hardship, and some of those hardships do eventually end in breakup, separation or divorce depending on the nature of the union. Just because the relationship has ended, though, it does not mean you were ready for it.

If you want to help you and your ex get back together, you need to brainstorm solutions that actually address the problems in your relationship.

In other words, if you want to help you and your ex get back together, you need to be proactive about rekindling the relationship rather than acting desperately.

So what is the perfect solution for someone who wants to rekindle their relationship?

– * If you want to help you and your ex get back together, first and foremost you need to figure out what caused the relationship to dissolve in the first place.

– * If you want to help you and your ex get back together, then the second thing that you need to do is to calm yourself down so that the drama can subside and so that there are no feelings of desperation in play. This is the only way that you will be able to determine whether or not the relationship is really meant to be.

– * If you want to help you and your ex get back together, the next thing that you are going to want to do is sit down with your ex and let her know that you are interested in rekindling things. Try to find out what her reaction is before you really put your effort into making things work again. Is she receptive to the idea?

– * If you want to help you and your ex get back together, then you have to be ready to do a lot of talking, negotiating and figuring things out. No relationship is going to fall back together easily, so be prepared to work hard and do some serious thinking and communicating before anything real happens.

At the end of the day, simply wanting to get back together with your ex will not make it happen. You need to be willing to put some serious effort into making it happen if you want to achieve the desired results. The more work that you put into it, the better the results will be when it comes to rekindling a lost love.

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Options Genius reveals his 4 secreats to astronomical profits


If there was a way you could turn a small sum of money into a very comfortable monthly income just in a year or two would you do it?

Sure, you would!

Well, I’m here to tell you there IS:


Michael Dylan has developed an options system that is making record sums of money with 300 to 1 leverage.

Yeah, I know that’s a little hard to believe.

That’s why he wants you to try his strategy out on paper before you ever risk one single penny.

This is hands down one of the easiest ways to make money from the markets.


Starting with just a small amount of capital, using high leverage, following his simple trading strategy one can create wealth.

Check it out now:

You’ll be glad you did.

Wishing You Outrageous Profits,

BTW… it looks like he’ll be showing a limited number
of people how this works soon, but I’m not sure how long that will last.