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how to make your first 1000$ on line from scratch , start now

how to make your first 1000$ on line from scratch , start now

1. Ad Tracking – Using it to Test Your Results
Most advertising services, such as Google AdWords, permit you to track your
ads. You can see how many click-throughs you receive; and you can split-test
two ads with slightly different wording. Tracking your results will allow you to
compare two approaches, so you can determine which works best.
2. Adding Articles to Directories
One good way to generate traffic for your site is to write articles and then submit
them to directories. You can find a list of the top 50 directories according to the
amount of traffic they receive at the following URL: This will not only get your site
a one-way backlink that will improve your search engine position rankings, but it
will also generate some direct, click-through traffic.
3. Adding Your Blog to RSS Feed Directories
Another good way to generate traffic for your blog is to list your RSS feed in
directories. This will have a similar effect as adding your articles to directories.
You can find a list of RSS feed directories here:
4. Adding Your Site to Link Directories
Another good way to get inbound links pointed at your site is to submit it to
directories. You can find a list of directories here: When you do this, remember to
include a description of your site that links keywords that you are optimizing for.
This text will surround your link; and will improve your search engine rankings for
these keywords.
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5. Adopt a Strategy
Many Internet marketers go into a new business venture without first spending
the time to create a strategy. This is usually a big mistake. Without creating a
strategy that specifies what you should do in various situations, you may find
yourself lost; and prone to ad hoc and inconsistent decision-making.
6. AdWords – A Trick That Can Boost Your Click-Through Rate

If you want to improve your AdWords click-through-rate, you should use the base
keyword from your keyword list in your headline. When people search for a
keyword on your list, it will pull up your ad with the keyword bolded in the
headline. This will attract searchers to your ad, increasing the chance that they
will click on it.
7. AdWords – Tracking Your End Results is Crucial
In addition to tracking your ad click-through rates, you will also want to check
how your ad results translate into sales. You can do this by sending traffic from
different campaigns to different landing pages. This will allow you to do
determine whether certain ads are generating higher-quality traffic.
8. AdWords – Using the Right Headline Could Change Your Campaign
After you begin tracking your results, you will want to start varying your AdWords
headlines. You can then test how well each different headline performs; and then
select the best for your campaign. Remember to only make small changes at a
9. Affiliates Can Make or Break a Business
One of the best ways to grow your business rapidly is to find affiliates. Affiliates
can act as an extension of you by marketing your product in places and in ways
that you could not think of yourself.
10. Affiliate Managers May be Necessary
Once you have grown your affiliate program substantially, it will begin to take up
an increasingly larger share of the amount of time you spend on your business.
Beyond a certain point, it will be a good idea to consider hiring an affiliate
manager to do this work for you. This will free up your time, so that you can
spend it doing other, more productive things.
11. Affiliate Marketing Software – Using it to Save Time
In the past, affiliate marketing was much harder than it is today. Today, you can
take advantage of a variety of different software programs to automate tasks for
your program. This includes things such as creating ids, tracking sales, and
making payments. This can save you a great deal of time and money.
12. Affiliate Products Can Supplement Your Product Sales
Some of the most successful Internet marketers mix revenue streams. Not only
do they sell their own products, but they also sell other business’s products as an

14. Be an Early-Adopter
When it comes to business, the profits are often greatest in the earliest stage of a
new technology or idea. As more people become privy to the idea or technology,
competition increases and profits fall. Be an early adopter and make sure you get
in with the profits are still large.
15. Be Flexible
When it comes to any business venture, flexibility is a virtue. Business owners
who are too rigid often find themselves in a corner without any options. On the
other hand, those who remain flexible ensure that they change with the time and
the situation, so that they never end up cornered.
16. Be Patient
In addition to flexibility, patience is a business virtue. To see that this is true,
spend some time on any Internet marketing forum. You’ll find people who have
spent years chasing after and abandoning short-term goals with no success.
You’ll also find patient business owners who have stuck with the same boring
idea—but have used it to earn increasingly greater profits each year.
17. Bid on Freelance Marketing Assistants
Freelance marketing assistants can take an overburdened, but promising
business and transform it into a growing, successful business. If you’re finding
yourself too busy to accomplish everything, then you should consider hiring a
marketing assistant using or
18. Borrow Ideas from Other Sites

orrow Ideas from Other Sites
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24. Buy Ghostwritten Articles
If you want to use articles to promote your site, but don’t feel comfortable writing,
you can always purchase them from a ghostwriter. Sites like and make it easy for you to
purchase them from credible sources and for reasonable prices. Just remember
to keep your project descriptions clear and detailed.
25. Buy Ghostwritten Reports
In addition to purchasing ghostwritten articles, you might also consider
purchasing reports from ghostwriters. This will make the content-creation portion
of your sales process painless.
26. Buy One-Way Links on High PR Sites
Today, sites like abound. These allow you to
purchase one-way, inbound links on high-traffic, high-PR sites. These will
improve your search engine ranking positions; and also generate some highquality, direct click-through traffic.
27. Buy Private Label Content
In addition to ghostwritten content, you may also want to consider purchasing
private label content. While this is usually sold to 10 or more people (and thus is
not unique), it will also be much cheaper, which will allow you to purchase more
of it.
28. Capture Opportunities When They Present Themselves
Opportunities don’t last forever. Often, then come and go. This is why it is pivotal
that you keep an eye open for good opportunities; seize them when they arrive;
and work hard to reap the rewards.
29. Changing Your Routine Can be Helpful
Over time, it’s easy to fall into the trap of carrying out the same routine each day;
however, this can be detrimental to your business. Your ideas and approach may
become stale and rote; and, eventually, your customers may lose interest. Keep
things exciting and consider changing your routine on a regular basis.
30. Charge Blog Visitors for Premium Content
Running an Internet-based business can be a difficult, tiresome enterprise. It can
test your stamina, creativity, and intelligence. It can push you to your limits; and
make you consider whether waking up early and spending your day in a cubicle
isn’t such a bad thing after all.
At the end of the day, though, you know that it is all worth it. You know that being
your own boss, making the rules, and determining your own fate is worth it. No
matter how difficult it seems some days, it is a worthwhile goal and it is ultimately
what will make you happiest.
With that said, satisfaction with your career choice isn’t enough to ensure that
you enjoy success as an Internet marketer. If you want to do that, you’ll need
ammunition—and lots of it. And that’s exactly what this guide provides: many,
many (in fact 300!) tips that you can use to make money as an Internet marketer.
These tips are designed to be short and to the point. Some are philosophical,
some are practical, and some are attitudinal—but all designed to make you a
better marketer; and to ensure that you don’t run out of ammunition on your
marketing campaigns.
With that said, let’s get started. Starting from A and ending at Z, let’s look at how
you can do a better job as an Internet marketer!
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